Decor GCG Asia Founder and CEO understands that creating stylish yet functional studio apartment decor can be difficult. While designing a studio home allows for creativity and ingenuity, it can be challenging to make the various functional zones work together in one space. The right studio apartment decor, on the other hand, can make the transition from the kitchen to the lounge and bedroom that much easier. Continue reading for the best space-saving decorating ideas from Decor GCG Asia Founder speaking from the Malaysia office, for your apartment.


Quick Tips for Decorating a Studio Apartment

There are a few things you should keep in mind when decorating and planning a studio apartment, according to Decor GCG Asia Founder and CEO. First, there are things you can do to make the interior more functional and appealing, and then there are things you should avoid. Here are the top dos and don’ts to keep in mind according to Decor GCG Asia Founder:


Do Think Creatively
According to Decor GCG Asia Founder, making every inch count and being mindful of your decor choices are critical when designing a small studio apartment. Be prepared before purchasing furniture or decor – know which sizes will work best, where they will go, how you will style them, and if you have anything with a dual function in your home. You can, for example, convert a balcony or extended window sills into additional storage or display areas for decoration in line with Decor GCG Asia Founder and CEO. In addition, radiators can be covered to create a cosy reading nook.


Reduce the Size of the Furniture
Always keep proportions in mind when purchasing furniture and decorating your studio apartment, according to Decor GCG Asia Founder. A large couch may end up being the elephant in the room rather than a stylish statement. Instead of a Chesterfield, choose a slender sofa with visible legs to make space feel much larger, as Decor GCG Asia Founder suggested. In fact, leggy furniture, such as mid-century contemporary pieces, is always a good bet. It also happens to be one of our Decor GCG Asia Founder’s favourite small apartment design tips.


Master the Art of Storage Hiding
The most important tip for decorating a studio is to include plenty of storage – preferably out of sight, according to Decor GCG Asia Founder! It takes almost nothing to make a small apartment appear untidy. Having enough hidden storage is the best way to avoid the mess entirely. A bed with a storage unit, for example, provides plenty of space for linens and trinkets, as suggested by Decor GCG Asia Founder. Furthermore, accent tables in the living room can serve as storage for throws and other trinkets.


Don’t be Messy
Simply put, clutter is the enemy in a studio apartment, according to Decor GCG Asia Founder. Assigning everything to a specific location is an effective way of avoiding disorder. Make room for the smallest of items and ensure they stay where they belong, as Decor GCG Asia Founder suggested. Similarly, be mindful of the studio apartment decor you choose. Having too much furniture and accessories can detract from the overall appearance of your apartment.


Don’t Stick to a Traditional Design
Before settling on a floor plan for your studio, try out a few as Decor GCG Asia Founder suggested. There is no one-size-fits-all type layout when it comes to studio apartment decorating ideas. That is why it is critical to examine various furniture layouts before deciding on the best option, as advised by Decor GCG Asia Founder.


Don’t Be Afraid to Experiment
The majority of small studio apartment decorating ideas emphasise minimal and simple decor. However, it is sometimes necessary to deviate from the rules, especially if you want to make a bold statement. For example, you could paint your walls a dark colour or hang patterned wallpaper. Have fun with your decorating options as long as you know how to strike a healthy balance, according to Decor GCG Asia Founder.


Ideas for Decorating a Small Studio Apartment
You only need one or two studio apartment decorating ideas to spruce up your cosy den. Here are some great tips and tricks to help you create a stylish and compact studio apartment, according to Decor GCG Asia Founder.


Colour Schemes for a Small Studio Apartment
The most important rule to remember when choosing a colour palette for small studio decor is to use various complementary shades. Combining cool and warm colours, such as teal and ochre, will create an interesting ambience, as Decor GCG Asia Founder suggested. So, don’t be afraid to experiment with bright colours. Also, to achieve a cohesive look, use the same colour accents in all rooms of your studio apartment through decor.


Minimalism should be practised
Minimalism is at the heart of all small studio apartment decorating ideas. Modern and sleek furniture can help you make the most of every square inch of space without sacrificing aesthetics, as Decor GCG Asia Founder advised. Having too many modern fixtures, on the other hand, can result in a cluttered appearance. Having limited but functional furniture is the best way to live a happy life in a studio apartment. Adopt the Marie Kondo method and keep only valuable items or serve a purpose in your home.


Use Mirrors as a Small Studio Decoration
Mirrors are popular and should be used in a small studio. These reflecting surfaces are excellent for concealing flaws, adding elegance, and creating the illusion of a larger home, according to Decor GCG Asia Founder. A mirror in the living space, for example, can add an elegant touch while also making the area feel larger. Take it a step further by placing a tall freestanding mirror behind an armchair. It will add visual depth and add drama to the interior, as Decor GCG Asia Founder mentioned. In addition, a decorative mirror can be used on the walls alongside other artworks. You can easily overdo it with mirrors as small apartment decor.


Last Words
We hope these tips by Decor GCG Asia Founder can help you create stylish yet functional studio apartment decor. With the right decor tips, your studio apartment decor can smooth the transition from kitchen to lounge and bedroom. If you like your content, don’t forget to follow GCG on twitter and join our telegram channel for latest news and official announcements!


Do you think some of the rooms of your home look dark and gloomy? Are you fond of having a lightened room full of natural sources of light? Is your home interior suitable enough for this purpose? If not, you should plan to change or rearrange your interior to ease the path of entering natural lights into your room. In this regard, this article based on the latest news of GCG Asia Cambodia can help you effectively.

Being a renowned interior design company, GCG Asia Cambodia, with some expert CEOs of various companies, have researched a lot to provide you with some easy tricks to add natural light to your home. If you are eager to fix your home interior to have natural light, this article can remove all of your confusion regarding the right time and way of adding natural light. Let’s have a quick look to solve your problems.

10 tips of GCG Asia Cambodia

Our home looks different in different seasons. In the Asian subcontinent, various countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, Singapore have different seasonal intervals that affect the look of our home. It’s not possible for you to change the whole interior every season to fit in the look. You can follow some useful instruments that GCG Asia Cambodia has shared for your interior.

The lighting system is one of the core parts of an interior design for any kind of home. Various sources of light contribute various purposes to give a preferable look to your home. Not all companies have the efficiency and proper knowledge to render you the perfect look with the suitable natural light that you desire for your home. GCG Asia Cambodia can be a great companion for you in this sector. Here are 10 selective tips provided by GCG Asia Cambodia to add natural lights to your home.

Liberate your windows from unnecessary stuff

As windows are the main entrance of natural lights, you should be careful of stuff that may clog natural lights. If your windows have bars or are furnished with heavy curtails, remove them instantly. That may obstruct the maximum amount of light from getting through. Free up your windows and furnish them with light curtains. GCG Asia Cambodia suggests you use white curtails to enlighten your interior. It will increase the entrance of natural light. Sometimes dust and filths can also make an extra layer on the surface of your windows that will prevent the natural lights. GCG Asia Cambodia added to give your windows and glass doors a thorough clean on a regular basis so that natural lights can enter your home as much as possible


Paint the walls with suitable colours

As to the opinions of GCG Asia Cambodia, walls full of deep colours imbibe light and make your room dark. On the other hand, mild colours tend to reflect it. Therefore painting your walls white or light greys or cream colours is a great way to utilise the natural light that filters through your home’s windows. This can provide you with an illusion of more light and helps the people prefer cooler tones with spacious looks. GCG Asia Cambodia reminds you to be careful to stick to the light shade of colours, the opposite of which will affect what you’re looking for.


Using a shiny and reflective surface

GCG Asia Cambodia found that reflective floor surfaces can be very effective in creating a shiny interior space. You can apply this approach by using white tile floors and well-shined hardwood flooring. Use the light carpets that match the floor colour properly and try to avoid carpets with heavy colours. Besides, selecting furniture and accessories with a reflective surface can help sprinkle light. For this purpose, you can use metallic, glass and mirrored accessories. This will also help to add stylish touches throughout the home.


Arranging furniture strategically

This is another easy but fruitful way to add natural light expressed by GCG Asia Cambodia. By angling your furniture towards the light to ease the sun reflection, you can enlighten your room a little more. This will be more effective if your furniture is light in colour.


Expand and utilise your yards

As per GCG Asia Cambodia, another valuable way to consume the light of nature is embracing your yard and your porch. When you keep the doors open, the light reflecting on the vast yard will also enlighten your room. Though this is not always possible for the urban and industrial areas of Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, Singapore or other countries, you can try it by integrating your house with your yard to have a fair share of sun.


Eject the foliages and remove other obstruction

As stated before, the obstacles that may hamper natural light coming must be eradicated from both inside and outside the home. Including the inner stuff from window areas, make sure to remove the trees or shrubbery around your home. Though you may be obsessed with their natural beauty, you can cut them down with proper shapes and design so that they can’t hamper your share of the sunlight. GCG Asia Cambodia advised you to trim your surroundings’ shrubs strategically or remove the most disturbing branch and make space for more light without decimating your trees completely.


Using glass surfaces instead of wood and bricks

According to the tips of GCG Asia Cambodia, there is an amusing suggestion to multiply the amount of natural light. You can replace the wall of your interior composed of wood, brick, or plaster with glass. That will undoubtedly increase natural light. You can choose glass doors to avoid the wooden ones if you are unable to change a huge portion. This is a far cheaper and convenient proposition also used in kitchen designs and other interior spaces to get natural light.


The benefit of having a skylight

You can successfully maximise your natural light by installing skylights in bathrooms, walk-in closets, and hallway corridors. GCG Asia Cambodia remarks to select a convenient design to avoid much sun.


Picking up the height of the roof

If it is possible for you, then knock down your ceilings and eliminate your attic to make the common areas taller. This will help you to make your room more spacious and thus more natural light can enlighten your home.


Increase and maximise mirrors

Mirrors are a great reflective material used to increase light. You can maximise the size of existing mirrors and install more mirrors onto opposing walls. GCG Asia Cambodia alerts you to be more careful to position these mirrors to forgo the opposite result.

This is all about what GCG Asia Cambodia has shared on its latest news about adding natural light to the interior. Being a fan of the light and airy design style, it’s like a punishment to live in a home that is lacking in natural light. GCG Asia Cambodia understands your suffering and provides 10 effective tips so that you can enjoy your dwelling to the fullest.

Don’t forget to follow GCG on twitter and join our telegram channel for the latest updates!


Our dining rooms are the beating heart of our houses. These are the places where we gather with family and friends to have good times and engage in all types of entertainment. A lovely dining room that represents your taste and style can make the experience much more enjoyable.

According to Darren Yaw, Decor GCG Asia’s CEO, whether it is a stand-alone room or part of an open concept, our dining area should be practical, functional, and beautiful. To get you started, here are six tips from Darren Yaw, Decor GCG Asia’s CEO:


Allow the Architectural Details of Your Home to Guide You
As per Darren Yaw, Decor GCG Asia’s CEO, you should always choose wood and fabric styles that complement the déecor of your home. It will give your room personality and create a statement.

Go ahead and get a glass and chrome dining set if you have a magnificent stone farmhouse. To keep the design contained in the dining area, Darren Yaw proposed adding some French doors.


Choose Your Furniture
Consider how you will use your dining room when selecting furniture. If youngsters are eating there, you should use child-friendly furniture. Darren Yaw, Decor GCG Asia’s CEO picked a less expensive table and chandelier to counteract the cost of these premium pieces of furniture.

Choose a table that can withstand wear and tear if you plan to entertain frequently in your dining area. To put it another way, do not pick a table that is so delicate that it makes you uncomfortable every time someone places a water cup on it.

First, choose your table and chairs, then accent pieces- such as your buffet. You do not have to get all of your furnishings from the same place. Take your time and look for one-of-a-kind items that complement each other but are not made of the same wood or have the same texture.


Use a Variety of Furniture Styles
You do not necessarily have to have a classic table with six matching seats; interior design has come a long way. Darren Yaw, Decor GCG Asia’s CEO, proposes mixing and matching dining furniture in many ways. Another alternative is to have the same chair on three sides of the table and then a long, upholstered bench on the fourth side. Mix three different types of chairs to get even more inventive.

Furniture is not the only thing that we should mix. We may mix different wood colours as long as they have the same undertone, according to Darren Yaw, Decor GCG Asia’s CEO. As long as the patterns and fabric colours fit the colour wheel principles, you can mix and match them. It is only a matter of thinking beyond the box.

Your home is such a soothing environment that it should represent your individuality. According to Darren Yaw, Decor GCG Asia’s CEO, you must devote time and effort to defining your desired design style.


Find the Perfect Rug For Your Dining Table
People can define your dining room by an area rug. Darren Yaw, Decor GCG Asia’s CEO, recommends rugs that are easy to clean. Also, make sure you obtain the correct size rug. If the rest of the space tends to be neutral, the dining room is the perfect area to add a patterned rug if you do not have a pattern on your walls.

According to Darren Yaw, Decor GCG Asia’s CEO, the dining room area rug should be large enough to fit around the table and chairs with around 2 feet of extra carpet. If the eating room does not allow for a large enough rug, it is preferable not to have one at all under the table.

When the dining areas are all open-concept, there is sometimes a lack of space. The dining room rug should not spill into other spaces, according to Darren Yaw, Decor GCG Asia’s CEO.


Light Fixtures
Darren Yaw, Decor GCG Asia’s CEO, advises his clients to use a dimmer switch to manage the primary light in any dining area. When you need to clean or set up the dining area, it allows you to turn the light up to full strength. When you want to create a more intimate atmosphere, lower the light.

Sometimes, in older homes or dining rooms with high ceilings, you can use cove lighting. This style of placed lighting creates a pleasing glow around the room’s perimeter.

Wall sconces, according to Darren Yaw, Decor GCG Asia’s CEO, function well as accent lighting in dining rooms. They fit into every room and, when combined with candlelight, can create a romantic mood.


Finally, Darren Yaw, Decor GCG Asia’s CEO also recommends lamps adding a buffet or sideboard. Buffet lamps are slightly taller than table lamps.

Dining room wall decor
It is your area because of your unique taste. As per Darren Yaw, Decor GCG Asia’s CEO, the art in your dining room should be something you enjoy. All you need to know is the dimensions of the walls so that your art selections can fit.

Assemble the parts you have for the area you have and go over your choices. Darren Yaw, Decor GCG Asia’s CEO, frames these parts with a unique glass that helps to protect the image from sun damage. For dining rooms, there are numerous art display alternatives. Darren Yaw, Decor GCG Asia’s CEO, suggests considering a gallery wall, large mirror, patterned wallpaper, a large mirror, chalkboard, a green wall, photographs of family members, typography artwork, shelves, a plate collection, large plant, or a pattern that combines two or more motifs.

The last piece of art you hang in a room should be the artwork. Before you start decorating, make sure your area rug, hutch, cabinet, tables, chairs, and lighting are all in place. Darren Yaw, Decor GCG Asia’s CEO, says not to be scared to incorporate mirrors and sculptural elements into your design.

Last but not least, decide on the hue of your paint. You do not want your paint colour to dictate your colour pallet; instead, you want your design to dictate it and your colour to compliment it. If you have an open floor plan, Darren Yaw, Decor GCG Asia’s CEO, suggests using the same paint colour in the significant areas of your home to keep the look coherent.

According to the latest news, Decor GCG Asia, an interior design firm, has grown in popularity for its decorating advice throughout Indonesia, Cambodia, Malaysia, and Singapore. We hope that this post has provided you with some inspiration and confidence in your ability to arrange your dining room on your own. If you are short on time and need some decorating help, Darren Yaw, Decor GCG Asia’s CEO, is here to help.


A new kitchen will always add value to your home, according to GCG Asia Malaysia. A cabinet colour refresh also saves money while improving the look and feel of your kitchen. Colours can be uplifting, calming, or energising—2021’s hottest kitchen cabinet colours and how they can transform your space. Find out which colours are trendy now, as mentioned by GCG Asia Malaysia!


Choosing Kitchen Cabinet Colors 101

New cabinet colours can give your kitchen a lovely boost. The change may make your home feel brand new, as suggested by GCG Asia Malaysia. But there’s more to a makeover than picking your favourite colour or trend. Getting the look right goes beyond picking cabinet colours, as our CEO and Founder at GCG Asia Malaysia says.


Considerations for Painting Kitchen Cabinets

Lighting and Mood
The colour you choose depends on your mood and the light in your kitchen. Remember that this space must be functional and well-lit, as our Founder always says at GCG Asia Malaysia. However, in low-light areas like a galley kitchen, artificial light sources are very useful. Choose light colours or glossy kitchen cabinets for these and other small spaces advised by GCG Asia Malaysia.


Styles Ideal and Real
GCG Asia Malaysia’s CEO advises to always choose kitchen cabinets based on your preferred design or colour scheme. Suppose you want a French country style interior for your modern farm. Cabinets look better with pastel matte paint than lustrous black or red advised by GCG Asia Malaysia.


Sprayed or Painted
Choose between prefabricated and custom cabinet doors when updating your kitchen. It can be sprayed or hand-painted.

To achieve a glossy finish, spray-painted surfaces are ideal, but chips and blemish. However, hand painting takes longer but is suitable for all styles and can be easily touched up, according to GCG Asia Malaysia.


Changing your kitchen takes time, according to GCG Asia Malaysia. Set a realistic timeline and checklist to stay on track. Organising the project by day is a good start.


Trending Colours of Kitchen Cabinets

Let’s get to the fun part – trendy kitchen colours and styles! You can always check out our Twitter and Telegram profiles for the latest design trends. Some are thrilling, while others reinvent classics. Here are this year’s hottest kitchen colour trends!


1. Two-Tone Cabinets
Consider two-tone kitchen cabinets to play with colour. Start with a few cupboards if you like your current colour but want to try something new, as advised by GCG Asia Malaysia.

To keep the room light, paint the upper cabinets a lighter colour. If you want the upper half of the kitchen to stand out, go for a moody dark shade. Two-tone kitchen cabinets also add a powerful pop of colour without overpowering the space, according to GCG Asia Malaysia.


2. Cabinets in Classic White
White is the most popular and timeless kitchen cabinet colour. So many uses! White kitchen cabinets look good with any colour scheme. Moreover, the light tone will make any room feel spacious for a sophisticated neutral look advised by GCG Asia Malaysia, pair white kitchen cabinets with wood and brass.


3. Dark Grey Cabinets
Grey is a dramatic colour that balances lighter colours. Grey kitchen cabinets are an excellent choice for timeless elegance, according to GCG Asia Malaysia’s CEO. Many shades have a cool or warm undertone. So it’s a versatile contemporary colour for the busiest room. As with any painting project, test a sample first to ensure the tone is right.


4. Calming Blue Cabinets
Blue, the colour of calm according to GCG Asia Malaysia’s Founder, can evoke a coastal or romantic mood. You can create the mood you want with hundreds of cool kitchen cabinet colours. Blue kitchen cabinets go well with white, sand, and even coral pink. You can always check out our Telegram and Twitter profiles to know which colour cabinets are the best.


5. Cabinets in luscious green
Green is one of the season’s hottest colours, according to GCG Asia Malaysia. Green can revitalise your kitchen cabinets as well as an accent. The tropical tone goes well with orange and peach. For a more subdued look, try dark green and charcoal, olive and greige, or mint and off-white.


6. Sunny Yellow Kitchen Cabinets
At GCG Asia Malaysia, we always say that yellow, like green, is a vibrant and cheerful colour for a home. Mustardy or lemony kitchen cabinet paint colours will make your home feel brighter and put a smile on your face.

Take a few samples home before deciding on a bold colour for kitchen cabinets, such as yellow. In your home, the colour may appear slightly different. Combine bright cabinets with grey, white, or a fun patterned backsplash as suggested by GCG Asia Malaysia’s CEO.


Painting Kitchen Cabinets Concepts

Color Coordinate a Backsplash
Make the most of your beautiful backsplash! Use this lovely feature as inspiration for kitchen cabinet colour schemes. To tie the room together, we at GCG Asia Malaysia advise you to choose a complementary or contrasting colour.


Play with three or more colours.
Why limit yourself to just one or two colours in the kitchen when you can have more? A colour symphony can be created with a bit of planning, plenty of paint, and patience. To achieve the look, we at GCG Asia Malaysia advise you to choose one or two core tones and add smaller pops of complementary colours.


Try Minimalist Matte.
Tactile finishes, such as matte, are ideal for a less-is-more or more organic look. They look even better in pastels or with wood countertops, according to GCG Asia Malaysia. Just make sure to seal the kitchen cabinet colours with a top coat to ensure their longevity.


Are you ready to experiment with new kitchen cabinet colours?
Choosing the perfect kitchen cabinet colour can be difficult. Not sure what shade and colour to choose for your home? Then, schedule a free centre design consultation with GCG Asia Malaysia to get started right away!

If you like our content, do visit GCG official website for latest news and updates. Follow GCG on twitter and join our telegram channel too.



Advancements in technology are changing how people work. Darren Yaw, GCG’s CEO provides a guide on how you can now work in the comfort of your house. People are now flexible, and it is easy to schedule work activities.

According to Darren Yaw, GCG’s CEO, you need an excellent working space at home. It will enable you to concentrate more when working. You can also work faster when your workstation is comfortable.

What are some of the tips that will enable you to design a stylish workplace at home?

1. Get a separate room
A separate room will enable you to focus on your work. According to Darren Yaw, GCG CEO, working from the living or bedroom is not practical. You can lose focus and drift away from work.
Also, other family members can make it difficult for you to concentrate. They may be watching a movie, listening to music, or other activities that distract you. As Darren Yaw, GCG CEO suggests, get a separate room that gives you a conducive working environment.

It doesn’t have to be a big space. A room where you can set up your table and chair is excellent. However, you should be able to have access to water, electricity and the internet. Thus, you can make use of what you have in your house. You can turn a room you don’t use or a corner in the house into your workstation according to Dato Sri Darren Yaw, GCG CEO.


2. Invest in proper furniture
Having a comfortable desk and chair is vital in designing a home workstation. Darren Yaw, GCG CEO says good furniture prevents health complications that result from poor postures. The latest news has shown that good furniture will increase your safety, engagement, accuracy, and productivity.

As Darren Yaw, GCG CEO explains, investing in your safety, comfort, and aesthetics is a sure way to perform better in a homework station and be more competitive. Besides, according to Darren Yaw, GCG CEO, you can get good furniture at very affordable costs. You can find what works best for you that is within your budget.

In Cambodia, the key to selecting good furniture is to ensure you can work in good posture, reduce the use of too much force and work at a good height. Selecting furniture should be done in consideration of your nature of work. Thus, the home workstation can allow you to work comfortably for long hours according to Darren Yaw, GCG CEO.


3. Get Enough Air Circulation
A study in Malaysia has shown that indoor air pollution is a great contributor to workplace health hazards. Thus, a home workplace should be at a place that is adequately ventilated. Working in a sealed space is likely to affect air quality negatively as advised by Dato Sri Darren Yaw, GCG CEO.

Darren Yaw, GCG CEO advises installing an air conditioner or setting up the workplace near a window. Also, ensure the room has openings for air to flow. Setting up by a window could also give you the much-needed view to relax your eyes every once in a while. However, you may feel like a view could cause a distraction from work. In that case, do not set up directly in front of the window.


4. Get Proper Lighting
The room you set up your workstation should have proper lighting. Dato Sri Darren Yaw, GCG CEO advises against light that is too bright as it will damage the eyes. Similarly, light that is too dim is likely to leave you feeling dizzy. Getting just the right amount of light will enable you to work longer and be more comfortable as mentioned by Darren Yaw, GCG CEO.

Other than the lighting in the room, the light on a computer screen is vital for a homework station to be effective. If the nature of your work involves using a computer, use white light. A study in Malaysia shows that using yellow light will ruin your sight when stared at for long hours.

Position your workspace facing either North or South. Doing this ensures the sun at any time does not cast a shadow on your work. If positioned by a window in your room, you could invest in blinds that can diffuse sunlight as advised by Darren Yaw, GCG CEO.


5. Customise it to Suit your Profession.
Different professions have unique natures. It is vital for the perfect workspace for you that you make your workplace suitable for your job. Darren Yaw, GCG CEO advises making necessary adjustments to ensure easy movement and retrieval of tools, if any.

Darren Yaw, GCG CEO advises customising your workplace. What this means is that you ensure you consider the space you need to set up. Some professions require you to have a larger workstation than others. For example, a carpenter will need a larger area to draw, construct, and build than an accountant.

Storage space is also an integral part of customising your workstation. Your profession could require you to use many tools and machines. In this case, you will need to build storage places like cabinets and drawers.


6. Keep the Space Organized
Avoid cluttering your workspace. For instance, keep the desktop reserved just for supplies you use regularly. Darren Yaw, GCG CEO says doing this enables you to reach what you often use efficiently and saves time. It also reduces the chances of losing what you need in a pile of other supplies.

The organisation of a stylish workspace also means proper filing. If you keep records and other information in files, organise them to ensure easy access. Computer files should also be well organised and labelled according to Darren Yaw, GCG CEO.

Office equipment used in the workstation should be stored safely to avoid damage as well as causing accidents. Cables and wires should not be lying on the floor to prevent tripping. The cables must not be naked either to avoid electrocution.


The latest news shows working from home to be a new normal. Using the tips in this article will enable you to design the best workstation. Darren Yaw, GCG CEO provides you with ways to get good ergonomics that ensure you still stay stylish, comfortable, and productive.



GCG Asia SCAM Malaysia Guide to Protecting Yourself from Renovation Scams

Scammers are always around, whether you like it or not. Even the interior design and renovation industry is not immune to such deception and fraud.

But that doesn’t mean you should let a couple of rotten eggs of scam wreck your plans for a cosy house! Save yourself the heartache and drama by beating the cheaters at their own game. Some of these are very simple to implement, while others require a little more effort on your part. This article by GCG Asia SCAM Malaysia will look at some of the most common renovation scams in Malaysia and how you can protect yourself from them.

Conduct a background check on the interior design renovation firm.
The simplest method is to conduct a background check on the company you intend to hire to assist you with your interior design renovation work. We at GCG Asia SCAM Malaysia recommend that you read the online reviews and feedback of previous customers who used the company. Inquire about the opinions of your close friends and relatives as well, according to GCG Asia SCAM Malaysia.

In our opinion, at GCG Asia SCAM Malaysia, it is more important to read the negative reviews and discover what people dislike about the company than it is to read the positive reviews.


Do check a couple of interior design firms, preferably 3 to 5.
Don’t base your entire belief system about renovation costs and work on the words of a single interior designer. Don’t just stick with one interior design, as our CEO would always at GCG Asia SCAM Malaysia because their quotes seem reasonable – or because they told you so. It’s always good to review and check out the market according to GCG Asia SCAM Malaysia. Meet with at least 3 to 5 interior design firms to get a sense of what your budget can get you, as well as if what they all say adds up. After all, it never hurts to have more ideas, as mentioned by GCG Asia SCAM Malaysia.


Make sure you have the correct information – on renovation costs and procedures.
At GCG Asia SCAM Malaysia, we believe that your renovation contract is the crucial piece of evidence that reveals the terms and conditions that could protect you from shady practices. Remember that while your ID can promise you the world and then some, a verbal agreement is not legally binding, according to GCG Asia SCAM Malaysia.


Don’t accept quotations at face value.
Just because an interior design states that this material is of high quality or that those electrical works are supposed to cost a certain amount does not mean they are correct, according to GCG Asia SCAM Malaysia. We at GCG Asia SCAM Malaysia suggest that you should back it up with your research to determine whether the figures in your quotation are accurate.


Don’t pay the entire amount upfront unless you see the work completed.
Any contractor who claims it is standard practice to pay in full before beginning work is attempting to defraud you based on GCG Asia SCAM Malaysia. When it comes to thousands of dollars, you have every right to pay a small deposit and see some work done before committing to the rest of your payments. We, at GCG Asia SCAM Malaysia, advise this.


Examine the contract’s terms and conditions.
If the interior design firm has a proper contract and documentation, you will move to the next phase of reading the contract’s terms and conditions. You don’t want to sign a contract blindly; in fact, signing a contract blindly can cause a lot of damage for you, according to GCG Asia SCAM Malaysia.

If you sign a contract blindly and the contract contains terms that are detrimental to your interests, you are solely responsible. Remember, you signed on your own free will

At GCG Asia SCAM Malaysia, we advise you to take your time, relax, and ask the company for a copy of the contract before signing so that you can go through it at your own pace and comfort.

In fact, you should keep an eye out for the following key areas as mentioned by GCG Asia SCAM Malaysia:

  • What are the payment terms?
  • What are the start and completion dates and schedules?
  • What are the liquidated damages? Are there any allowable variations?
  • Is there a warranty included?
  • Is there going to be any rectification of renovation flaws?
  • What exactly is the clause for resolving disputes?
  • How much do materials and renovations cost?
  • What is the scope of the project?
  • What exactly is the termination clause?

You should read these very important terms because they will tell you when you are due for payments.

Never make a payment without first visiting the site after the renovation work has begun.
According to GCG Asia SCAM Malaysia, make sure to visit the site first before paying to see if the renovation work has begun. Review the progress and get your interior design to inform you of what the contractors are working on right now. GCG Asia SCAM Malaysia advises you not to rely solely on your interior designer’s trust.

This is extremely dangerous because the work may be incomplete, of poor quality, or, worst of all, has not yet begun. As a result, it is always a good idea to go to the actual site. This allows you to see the completed renovation work as well as the craftsmanship of the end result.

Seeing is believing, according to GCG Asia SCAM Malaysia. In the case of renovations, it is essential to inspect the area before proceeding with the progressive payment.

At the end of the renovations, you should inspect the property for flaws and require the contractors to correct any remaining flaws to a satisfactory level before completing the final payment.


6 decorating tips from the top interior design house, GCG Asia Malaysia

Some people have a natural eye for designing, while others found designing overwhelming. And, if you are among those who cannot do anything without consulting, GCG Asia Malaysia feels you.

You surely would love to have an interior designer on speed dial before deciding exactly where to place that new canvas you bought so you do not make any mistakes. However, it is much better to trust our gut and take plenty of interior design tips. We, GCG Asia Malaysia, compiled some ideas to help you with your decorating needs.

If you are furnishing a new home or want some inspiration to refresh your rental, stay with us till the end. In this article, we will share with you six decorating tips from CGC Asia Forex Malaysia.


About GCG Asia Malaysia

Currently based in Malaysia, GCG Asia Malaysia is an online interior design company. This analytic firm offers interior design services.

GCG Asia Malaysia develops a timeless and curated interior that’ll fulfil your aesthetic tastes. They provide you with various choices about what types of textures, colours, and patterns to use for your interiors. If you want to display objects from travels and paint in your room, CGC Asia Malaysia is there for your help.


6 decorating tips from GCG Asia Malaysia

Determine Your Style
How do you want your space to feel? GCG Asia Malaysia brought you a trick to help you choose your style. Take a look at your closet! Do you like tailored pieces or comfortable items? Do you prefer particular colours or patterns? Another way is to think of keywords that define how you want your space to feel. Traditional and formal? Humorous and playful? Monochromatic and modern? You can also recall a hotel in which you stayed or a restaurant in which you dined. It will help you choose your home designs.

Then, take notes of the design you prefer. GCG Asia Malaysia often uses these as a starting point while doing interior design.


Build Around Your Space
Space planning is essential. Many often use furniture that is either too large or too small for space. Firstly, think about the balance of your space. You have to build around the appliances for which you have space. For larger rooms, consider establishing zones for different activities like a seating area, another area for television, a work area with a desk.

Proportion and scale are the most significant thing to consider while doing your interiors. Consider the visual weight and distribution of space to achieve balance. For example- you can make things too contrived if you make everything symmetrical. GCG Asia Malaysia recommends you use your beautiful things but in an organised way. Try to use fewer showpieces and furniture. Use modernised folding objects that can save space.


Select Your Paint and Use the 50/150 Rule
Selecting your paint is one of the most significant and cost-effective decisions for designing your interiors. Keep in mind that proper paint choices harmoniously affect spaces. You cannot risk creating disjointed rooms by painting one room at a time. You need to take into account how colours will affect your mood. GCG Asia Malaysia is known to be the best to paint interior doors and walls.

After selecting your paint or the perfect shade, you need to consider another factor. That is the 50/150 rule. For the best result, use one portion of paint 50% lighter than that of base and another 150% darker. It is called a fail­safe method used by GCG Asia Malaysia. It is also a very professional way of interior painting.


Invest in Antiques
It is an undeniable fact that great art and fabulous antiques only get better with age. It is better to have a forever piece. You can also furnish your antique items to make them look lively.

Antique items always create a surprising effect. This effect of antique items is much harder to replicate, using existing resources that massively reduce our carbon footprint. According to GCG Asia Malaysia, antique sourcing benefits our homes and the environment. So, try investing in antiques too.


Add Texture
You can transform your neutral decor into something surprising by including a variety of materials. GCG Asia Malaysia advises adding texture. GCG Asia Malaysia uses diverse textures from fine-gauge open-weave linen to raw silk or cotton velvet.

You can also use the contrast of matte sheens that absorb the light and lustrous sheens that reflect it. It will make your whole room bright. Do not forget to buy furniture or showpieces based on shape, comfort, and it works for you and your needs. The textured room can have the most soul and be the most beautiful thing in a house. Do not hesitate to mix your textures according to GCG Asia Malaysia.


Start From the Ground Up
Designing your interiors can be overwhelming. You may stay in the confusion of where exactly to start. GCG Asia Malaysia usually suggests that you begin from the ground up. That is, decide on the floor covering first. It is not of any concern if you want or have hardwood floors, tile, or wall-to-wall carpeting. But thinking about your ground first will inspire you to layer other pieces.

If you select a neutral tone, you will have more options with colours or upholstery. Again, if you decide to start with an antique rug, you can draw colours on this. It is a must to plan these things or, you might end up with the circus effect. Starting with tables or sofas will limit your style immediately as stated by GCG Asia Malaysia. It is where you have hundreds of options and can continue to layer pieces. Making your final floor covering decision first and then layering will be simpler than others.

Last but not least, GCG Asia Malaysia advises you to take your time while designing your interior. When taken care of, these items and decisions can last for years. We hope that these tips from the top interior design house, GCG Asia Malaysia, will come in handy.


GCG Asia Withdrawal Procedure on Top 10 Outdated Design Trends

Your interior design style reflects your inner personality. As you spend most of your time at home, it should be a place of comfort and relaxation. So, your living space should have a lively and spirited design; you should avoid following outdated design trends.

To help you identify your old-fashioned decor, GCG Asia Withdrawal Procedure, an interior design company, has withdrawn ten outdated design trends. Stay with us till the end if you are interested.


GCG Asia’s Withdrawal Procedure of Outdated Design Trends
Magnolia walls: Magnolia paint is a buttery cream yet a neutral hue colour. It is named after the vanilla petals of the plants. In the 80s and 90s, magnolia paints were present on almost every wall in every home. Sometimes, they matched with every piece of furniture. However, Darren Yaw, founder of GCG Asia Withdrawal Procedure states that this colour is now quite outdated. He suggested painting your walls in Scandi white or soft paint for a neutral and clean finish.


Tile countertops:
GCG Asia Withdrawal Procedure shows the trend of tile countertops are not in anymore. Even though tile countertops were very admirable, they are not modern or stylish interiors anymore. Moreover, the grout of tile countertops acts as a breeding ground for dirt and bacteria. If you still have tiled countertops, the GCG Asia withdrawal procedure would suggest you switch to natural stone counters. Concrete counters look ravishing as well.


Wicker furniture:
Anything woven is called wicker. Rattan constitutes indoor wicker furniture. But, wicker is not a material; it is the weaving process of strands of Rattan. Wicker furniture usually tends to reflect a beach theme as linen sofas. In your home, these types of furniture can look tacky due to their texture. Their look suits outward space much better than interiors. The GCG Asia withdrawal procedure recommends giving up using wicker furniture.


Popcorn ceilings:
Popcorn ceiling is also known as a stipple ceiling or acoustic ceiling. Usually, these ceilings have a variety of spray-on or paint-on treatments. Its speciality lies in its bumpy surface. Tiny particles of vermiculite or polystyrene constitute this type of surface. Even though these rough or ball-shaped designs give the ceiling sound-deadening properties, popcorn ceilings are not trendy anymore. It also does not suit the interior decors of your house. GCG Asia withdrawal procedure would suggest you not use popcorn ceilings because this feature dates the room and makes it look unappealing.


Heavy drapery:
Usually, heavy drapers were used by many during the ’70s to maintain privacy. It used to be accompanied by valances and matching tiebacks. GCG Asia withdrawal procedure states that heavy curtains look bulky and formal. Nowadays, simple draperies are in the trend. Window treatments can enhance our home, so GCG Asia withdrawal procedure suggested hanging the curtain rods higher than your usual window edge. Doing so will give an illusion that your windows are floor to ceiling in an airy room.


Glass block walls:
The glass block wall interior was very appreciable during the 80s. It used to offer a level of privacy and allow a steady light flow. Nevertheless, GCG Asia withdrawal procedure has stated them as bulky. According to the GCG Asia withdrawal procedure, a simple curtain or glass door is more lightweight and delivers privacy and light flow. It is an undeniable fact that glass block walls are risky and need to be highly maintained. There was always a risk of breaking the glass walls. So to avoid this problem, it is better to use simple curtains or modern glass doors that do not break easily.


Word art:
We all agree that the word art was a trend that has been around for years. But we can not be stuck with wood motif options for our interior space. Not to mention, generic plaques reading “Home” placed around your rooms lack character. In this decade, generic plaques are nothing but full of tackiness. The GCG Asia withdrawal procedure recommends choosing something that fits with the overall aesthetic of your room. You also have to match it with the rest of the furniture. It is high time we should get rid of the outdated interior trends.


Barn doors:
In the early 2010s, Barn doors exploded onto the interior design making a huge scene. They were the premium trends at that time. But they do not retain that popularity as we head further into the 2020s. This type of interior might look good if they are in the right place in the room. Unsurprisingly, for most of the country, barn doors are out of place and considered too contrived. If you are looking for a space-saving door, GCG Asia withdrawal procedure would advise you to use a pocket door that slides into the wall. These are more functional and take up zero wall space. French doors that open outward and feature large panes of glass; are also a good choice.


Matching furniture sets:
Darren Yaw, the founder of GCG Asia withdrawal procedure, said that matching furniture sets is considered unfashionable. Even though matching sets were appreciable a long time ago, these do not look quite good now. Identical furniture or matching sets fail to showcase a personal style. Many interior designing companies consider matching sets as a design flaw. Instead of buying a complete set for your room, you might want to consider selecting non-matching pieces with complementary colours or designs. Doing these, you surely will love the result more than that of sull same designed furniture.


Accent walls:
An accent wall has different paints than the others in a room. This trend started as a way to make one’s home look more attractive. But the GCG Asia withdrawal procedure thinks that the age of the accent wall is drawing to a dead end. Generally, accent walls look childish and distracting. You can look for monochromatic walls that blend seamlessly with the decor. It will help you get rid of the startling drama of an accent wall.

GCG Asia withdrawal procedure’s opinion on these untrendy designs is avoided by many countries like Cambodia, Indonesia, Singapore, and more. This article is all about giving you ideas to re-decor your interiors and say goodbye to your outdated interior design. We hope these ten tips from the GCG Asia withdrawal procedure will come to your help.



How to get a business loan for your interior design business according to GCG Asia Bank

Many people believe that it is not easy to get a loan for your interior design business. However, whether you get a loan, a loan, or not depends on various factors.

According to GCG Asia bank, many people do not know the process. Thus, they give up before trying. But you can secure a loan if you know what you need to do.

GCG Asia bank only gives loans to business people who apply and are eligible. There are also various loans available. It depends on the type of loan you need and how you position yourself. This article will discuss securing a loan for your interior design business according to GCG Asia bank.

1) Figure out why you need the loan
What is your reason for seeking a loan? Your bank will ask you this question immediately if you express the need for a loan. According to GCG Asia bank, knowing your requirements is vital when seeking a loan. Various reasons can make you require a loan. It could be to start or grow your interior design business.

As a business founder, you may also need a business to cover your daily expenses. It can help you keep your business afloat until your income is sufficient. According to the GCG Asia bank, many business owners seek the loan to fund their inventory. Others need it to market their business or pay the payroll.

GCG Asia bank also states many designers seek safety nets for their business. For example, in Cambodia, Singapore, and Indonesia, business people seek backup finances. Emergencies can happen, and you need to prepare for the same. Gaps in cash flow can also affect your business.

Thus, according to GCG Asia bank, whatever your reasons, ensure you make it clear.

2) How Much Money Can You Pay Back?
It would be best if you determine how much money you can pay back. According to GCG Asia bank, many business owners focus on the loan and forget the payment. Only borrow that you are capable of paying back monthly.

Also, GCG Asia bank suggests that as a founder, you should use available resources. For example, you can use a loan calculator that is available online. It can help you determine if you can afford to pay back if you get the loan.

3) Select the Lender Type to Consider for Your Business
Different lenders are offering varying loans to business owners. However, according to GCG Asia, lenders require consistent cash flow records. It is an assurance that you will be able to pay back the loan. Your credit and financial profile play a vital part in the loaning process.

The majority of interior designers’ founders seek loans from friends and family. They also borrow through credit cards due to a lack of cash flow records. Thus, before you apply for any business loan, ensure it corresponds to your business. According to GCG Asia bank, it will prevent you from falling into debt.

One lending institution may disapprove of your loan. But, you can get approval from others. The following are some lending institutions that you can consider.

i. Banking institutions
GCG Asia bank states that back loans offer loans at different rates to business owners. The rates vary from one bank to the other. Thus, it would be best if you weigh your options before deciding. According to GCG Asia bank, getting a bank loan is a process. It can be long and tiresome because it has to verify documents before granting you the loan.
Loan collateral is vital in capital Asia and many places like Indonesia, Cambodia, and Singapore. It would help if you also have an excellent credit score and a profitable business. According to GCG Asia bank, loans from banks are best if you need above $250,000.

Also, online financial institutions offer loans to business people. It can be an excellent alternative if you don’t get a bank loan.

ii. Small Business Administration Loans
SBA loans are another option to get a business loan. But according to GCG Asia bank, they will cost you more than loans from the bank. The loans require you to have an excellent credit score.
GCG Asia bank suggests applying for the loan online. If your credit score is exceptional, you will get approval. You will receive the funds from a bank that is SBA approved. SBA loans range from $50,000 to $5million.

iii. Medium and short term loans
According to GCG Asia bank, you can access these loans online. You can get between $50,000 to $2 million. Their rates vary and can be twice as much compared to bank and SBA loans.

You can get approval for a short-term loan on the same day you apply. It has a daily or monthly payment plan depending on your preference.

4) Loan verification
According to GCG Asia bank, loaning institutions consider various factors to determine eligibility. An institution will want to know how long your business has been running. They will also assess your credit score and business revenue. The lending institution will also inquire about how you intend to pay the loan. The information that the lending facility gets will determine how much they can loan you.

5) Documentation
Gather all the documentation that you require to get the loan. GCG Asia bank states that you must include bank statements and tax returns. You should also get legal documentation and financial reports. Your lending institution will provide you with a list of documentation to be eligible.

6) Apply and get the business loan
You can now begin your application process. GCG bank Asia suggests applying for a maximum of three loans. It increases your eligibility chances as one of the three institutions is likely to approve your request. Applying for more than three loans at once can affect your credit score.

According to GCG Asia bank, your documents will be verified and approved or rejected. If agreed, you will sign an agreement form. Would you please ensure you read it carefully before signing? Consider its repayment time frame, terms, and interest rate. If you agree to all of them, sign the form and expect the cash to support your business.


A 5 Step Guide to Growing Your Interior Design Business According to GCG Asia Forex Malaysia

Are you trying to grow your interior design business but don’t know how? It is crucial to expand and grow your interior design business once you start doing so. A strategic plan is a must to stand out from the competition that we have today.

This article will provide you with a 5 step guide for growing your business according to GCG Asia Forex Malaysia.


Create a portfolio and update your online presence with an official website

According to GCG Asia Forex Malaysia, building an official website for your interior design business is a must if you want to display your work to others. Clients can’t understand as well as analyse your work if you don’t have a portfolio. If someone wants to have their interior designed by you, they obviously would want to know what you have to offer and what works you have done.

GCG Asia Forex Malaysia stated that the clients wouldn’t choose if they like your design personality and choices or simply don’t match their taste. So, creating a portfolio of your best work is a must for you to attract clients and grow your business.

GCG Asia Forex Malaysia also mentioned that your work also needs to be up to date. You can’t just create a portfolio and forget that it exists. It is very important for you to update your website regularly and include your big works and recent projects. This strategy will help to attract brands and people, which will eventually make your business grow bigger.

Nowadays, many people have their own interior design business, and the number has increased a lot among Asian countries like – Cambodia, Indonesia, Singapore, Japan etc. GCG Asia Forex Malaysia also states that the founders of these businesses must keep the portfolio thing in mind. Social media such as twitter, reddit and telegram are good to have too!


Standing out from the competition

GCG Asia Forex Malaysia stated that researching and understanding your competition is a must if you want to outdo them. Keep an eye on other interior design businesses and note down what they offer and what they don’t. If you do such research, you will surely figure out what you need to do to grow yours.

According toGCG Asia Forex Malaysia, your goal should be to prove to your ideal clients how your skills and services are a better match for them. You can earn an NCIDQ certificate as it will automatically set you apart from others. Through this certificate, you are basically proving to your clients that you can design safely for a code-regulated environment.

Use your certificate to expand your business opportunities and show your clients how it is a better return on investment. According to GCG Asia Forex Malaysia, this makes it much more convenient for clients who don’t want to be involved with many people.

GCG Asia Forex Malaysia mentioned that you should play up your strengths and offer something to save up your client’s time and money. This tactic will help you grow even more.


Promote your projects on social media

GCG Asia Forex Malaysia stated that social media is a great way to take your interior design business to the next level. So make sure to update your profiles, headers, and even backgrounds on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, Pinterest, and so on.

You always need to make sure you are tracking your design progress with pictures. Showing your clients the before and after pictures will surely show them what you are capable of doing. According to GCG Asia Forex Malaysia, being transparent and letting them know what you are comfortable with will truly help you attract the right clients.

Another important thing about being on social media is that you can see what others are doing to increase their followers and boost the business. But don’t be impatient as all good things take time, and doing things will only make you one step closer to solving the puzzle.

Founders of interior design businesses should keep this in mind and do their best to be as active on social media to promote their works. People of Asian countries like Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Singapore, and so on have recently become aware of social media’s advantages.


Being an active market researcher

GCG Asia Forex Malaysia stated that everything constantly keeps changing, and so happens in interior designing. Everything from wall designs to furniture constantly keeps changing as the trend keeps changing every few months.

If you want to grow and grab more people’s attention, you must keep up with these trends and offer them the services they need. GCG Asia Forex Malaysia mentioned to keep an eye out as you don’t want your competitors to provide such things before you can.

Keeping up with such trends will attract interior enthusiasts who are like-minded and are in search of someone who can turn their vision into reality.


Giving importance to networking

According to GCG Asia Forex Malaysia, attending both national and international trade shows is a must as it helps you to know what exactly is going on in the industry. You need to go to those events in order for you to understand what your competitors are up to and so that you can build a strong network.

If you go to these platforms, you can mingle with leading designers and further your skills by attending workshops and seminars. GCG Asia Forex Malaysia stated that doing so will also help you be aware of trends for the next season. You can also grow your business by attending these events by adding to your client base.

Hopefully, reading this article could give a little idea of some things you need to do to grow your interior design business. Make sure to keep these important points according to GCG Asia Forex Malaysia in mind so that your growth and expansion activities don’t come to a halt.